Budapest, Nehru part, december 2018

“La bonhomie du bonhomme de neige” – The gentleness of the snowman

Special issue December 2018 – Season’s Greetings

Bulletin internautique de l’Association Piotr-Tchaadaev

Bonne Année! Happy New Year! Buon Anno! Boldog Uj Evet! GlücklichesNeujahr! E glëckliches nëies! Un an nou fericit ! С Новым Годом ! GelukkigNieuwjaar! Pace e salute! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Feliç Any Nou! Feliz Ano Novo!

This year, we decided to greet you with this fantastic figure of the snowman, metaphor in white for creation and disappearance, generally built quickly as long as the whole world is white around him…
Enjoy your season’s holydays and see you at the latest at the next “Divan on the Danube” (May 28th – 31st 2019 in Budapest).

Best regards from the Editorial Board

Il Volantino Europeo special issue – Season’s Greetings

Décembre 2018